Saturday, December 19, 2009

renovations needed

One look at their new restaurant and the boys realized that expensive renovations were needed and any plans to resurrect the cosmetic surgery center would have to wait. The first and only job available in this dire economy proved to be as delivery boys for the Morning Outlook, a scurrilous leftist rag bent on destroying any semblance of decency left in the fantasy republic.

Be that as it may, integrity was forced to take a backseat to expediency at this point. They started making their rounds at 4:30 every morning with Weezer riding his unicycle (Weezer began his career as a trained bear in the Moscow Circus) and Bupkiss perched atop his head. As they approached a subscriber's house Bupkiss would scamper down Weezer's back, retrieve a copy of the paper and deposit it in Weezer's right paw, whereupon it would be flung in the general direction of the house.

It wasn't long before word of the strange delivery boys reached the media and made the evening news.

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